Flashy Prezis @ DDD

June 01, 2011

DDD Melbourne was on at Swinburne Uni on last weekend and a couple of friends and I went along.

This event was more targeted at Microsoft technologies, but there was a bit of other stuff to keep me interested.
I got to see some pretty neat JavaScript stuff, learned a thing or two about the vast range of Microsoft technologies, got to re-visit Android 101 and eat plenty of junk food!
I love that us nerds love pizza and cake! :)

Now as good as the day was, the topic I picked to blog about actually has nothing to do with the content of any of the talks.
This is partially because a fair amount of the MS tech stuff went over my head, but more to do with the website that I’m about to talk about is something I might consider for my own use in the future.

One of the speakers had a really neat presentation that kept the audiences attention with fancy transitions and clever choice of images and at the end of the presentation, we found out that it was all done through a site called prezi.com

Anyway, instead of me ranting on about it, it really has to be seen.
Here is a quick “Prezi” I knocked up, but this doesn’t compare to the impressive prezi I saw at DDD:

Browsing through the community prezi’s would probably give you a better Idea :)

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Search and replace, vim and git Continue reading

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Published on December 28, 2016