Regex substitution 101

August 01, 2011

A while ago I was helping a friend with a regex.
He wanted to extract parts of the /etc/passwd file, so I explained my basic thought process to him so he could understand how I came up with the pattern.
I thought I would (paraphrase and) blog this explanation, as it might just help others out too.

The Explanation:
First you have to write a regex that matches as much of the string (in this case the lines in the passwd file) as you need (or all of it to be safe):

[^:]      = will match a character that is not a colon

You can repeat this pattern with the * operator to match everything up to the first colon (because that wont match the pattern):

[^:]*     = will match everything up to the colon

That pattern obviously doesnt have the bit you want, so you need to keep matching…
The next character you need to match is the colon itself:

[^:]*:    = will match everything up to the colon, and then one colon character too

This isn’t enough either, but now you just need to repeat your self for as many sections as you want.
There is 6 colons and 7 fields in your example of the passwd file, so repeat the pattern to suit:


Now this pattern will match the entire string by going through section-by-section.
Of course .* would also match the whole string, but now we have parts of the pattern that represent parts of the string.
Using these parts, we can wrap the bit you want to use with backreferences (brackets) so we can use them later.

Lets say you only wanted the 5th field (the username).
First, wrap the 5th field in a backreference.
Note you have to escape the brackets with a backslash otherwise it will look for an actual bracket character:


Now you can use it in a substitution, which will replace everything that is matched with what you tell it to:


This will replace what it has matched (which is everything) with the word ‘hello’
Now you can add that part that you captured earlier with the backreference

:%s/[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:\([^:]*\):[^:]*:[^:]*/hello \1

The \1 means the first backreference, if you had 2 sets of backets, you could also use \2
Running this substition will result in this line:


becoming this line:

hello Apache

To extend this further, you could add stuff like this:

:%s/[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:\([^:]*\):\([^:]*\):[^:]*/hello \1, I know you home is \2 because I know regex

Which would result in this line:

hello Apache, I know you home is /var/www because I know regex

Obviously you wouldnt want to make these substitutions in your passwd file, but you could use this regex substitution in a pipeline with sed, like this:

cat /etc/passwd | sed “s/[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:\([^:]*\):\([^:]*\):[^:]*/hello \1, I know you home is \2 because I know regex/” > ~/regexed.txt

Note that unlike vim, sed requires the substitution to be terminated with a trailing separator, so valid syntaxes are:


The last separator is useful for putting additional options, such as g for global replaces (multiple times on one line), etc.

Another helpful note is that the separator does not have to be / it could be (almost) any character.
For example, / might be cumbersome if your dealing with paths that have a lot of /’s, so you could use # instead:

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Published on December 28, 2016